CO2Tab™ Product Information
CO2Tab is an important productivity tool for those who are engaged in the ever widening variety of applications of carbon dioxide such as: closed-loop refrigeration, frozen food processing, food preservation and storage, beverage carbonation, brewery operations, supercritical fluid extraction, precision cleaning with carbon dioxide, pipeline engineering, enhanced oil recovery, slurry transport, inerting, gas processing, CO2 scrubbing, or research activities for effective CO2 sequestration methods to control the greenhouse gases.
CO2Tab, designed as an add-in package to popular spreadsheet applications, allows users the convenient access, without leaving the spreadsheet computation environment, to a variety of property values. CO2Tab contains a comprehensive set of thermodynamic and transport properties applicable over a wide range of conditions, with selected derivative and dimensionless properties.
CO2Tab also includes functions for obtaining the temperature or pressure along the sublimation line and the melting line. CO2Tab also allows the calculation of the solubility of CO2 in water, which is an important parameter in atmospheric chemistry, the beverage industry, etc.
CO2Tab uses fundamental equations to calculate all properties with no interpolation or curve fits to raw data. CO2Tab uses the international standard formulation for the thermodynamic and transport properties of carbon dioxide. The references used in CO2Tab are:
1. A New Equation of State for Carbon Dioxide Covering the Fluid Region from the Triple Point Temperature to 1100 K at Pressures up to 800 MPa, R. Span and W. Wagner, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 25, No. 6, 1996.
2. The Solubility of Carbon Dioxide in Water at Low Pressure, John J. Carroll, John D. Slupsky, Alan E. Mather, J. Phy. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 20, No. 6, 1991
3. The Viscosity of Carbon Dioxide, A. Fenghour, W. A. Wakeham, and V. Vesovic, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 27, No. 1, 1998
4. The Transport Properties of Carbon Dioxide, V. Vesovic and W. A. Wakeham, G. A. Olchowy and J. V. Sengers, J.T.R. Watson, J. Millat, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 19, No.3, 1990
Note: CO2Tab includes properties for the sublimation and melting line.
Most thermo-physical property functions of CO2 in CO2Tab, with the exception of solubility functions, are applicable to conditions within the following wide ranges:
- Pressure (P, bar): 0 <= P <= 8,000
- Temperature (T, °C): -73.15 <= T <= 826.85
Solubility functions of CO2 in H2O are valid within the following ranges of conditions:
- Pressure (P, bar): P <= 10
- Temperature (T, °C): 0 <= T <= 160
The CO2Tab add-in package is based on a set of 29 core functions that together calculate over 46 thermodynamic and transport properties of carbon dioxide. You can use these functions directly in your spreadsheet or you can use CO2Tab easy-to-use dialog boxes to automatically generate the appropriate function call with the correct arguments.
CO2Tab functions are divided into the following categories:
- Functions for saturated vapor, liquid or two-phase properties
(2 functions) - Functions for superheated vapor or subcooled liquid properties
(9 functions) - Melting and Sublimation Line Functions
(4 functions) - Solubility in Water
(2 functions) - Functions for constant carbon dioxide properties
(12 functions)
Thermodynamic and Transport Properties
- Temperature, T
- Pressure, P
- Volume, V
- Density, D
- Compressibility factor, Z
- Helmoltz free energy, A
- Entropy, S
- Internal energy, U
- Enthalpy, H
- Gibbs free energy, G
- Heat capacity at constant volume, CV
- Heat capacity at constant pressure, CP
- Speed of sound, W
- Coefficient of thermal expansion, ALPHA = r (V/T)P
- Isothermal compressibility, KAPPA = -r (V/P)T
- DPDT, (P/T)V
- DVDT, (V/T)P
- DVDP, (V/P)T
- Viscosity (dynamic), MU
- Thermal conductivity, KT
- Surface tension, ST
- Prandtl number, PR
- Static dielectric constant, DC
- Isothermal Joule-Thomson coefficient, IJT
- Joule-Thomson coefficient, JT
- Quality, Q: Vapor fraction
Solubility in Water Properties
- Liquid mole fraction of CO2 (Molar solubility), XCO2
- Vapor mole fraction of CO2, YCO2
- Liquid mass fraction of CO2 (Mass solubility), XWCO2
- Vapor mass fraction of CO2, YWCO2
CO2Tab V2.0 an be used in:
- Microsoft Excel 2010/2013 for Windows 10/8.x./7
- Mac Excel 2011 for Mac OSX